DCSA Event Code Types
What are the DSCA event code types for each supported journey type of a milestone
DCSA Event Codes
Event codes, found in the Milestone
object, utilize a discriminator JSON structure to compose a journey_event
object, separated into three specific types (journey_type
The Equipment Journey: governs the naming and understanding of events driven by physical occurrences related to the equipment (container) in question.
The Transport Journey: governs occurrences in the general transport of a shipment. This includes all customer relevant events carried out by one or more modes of transport.
The Shipment Journey: governs the occurrences in the customer facing information flow tied to a shipment.
For detailed documentation relating to the DCSA Event Naming Convention and Structure, see the update payload model's journey event API reference documentation.
Event type | Meaning | Description |
AVDO | Available for drop-off | Identifies that shipment/ container is ready to be dropped off / delivered at a facility. |
AVPU | Available for pick-up | Identifies that shipment/ Container is ready to be picked up / collection at a facility. |
CUSI | Customs selected for inspection | Identifies that that Customs has selected the equipment for inspection. |
CUSR | Customs released | Identifies that Customs has released the equipment for either export from or import into the country. |
CUSS | Customs selected for scan | Identifies that Customs has selected the equipment for scanning. |
DISC | Discharge | The action of lifting cargo or containers off a mode of transport. Discharge is the opposite of load. |
DROP | Drop off | The action of delivering the container at customer location. |
GTIN | Gate in | The action when a container is introduced into a controlled area like a port - or inland terminal. Gate in has been completed once the operator of the area is legally in possession of the container. |
GTOT | Gate out | The action when a container is removed from a controlled area like a port – or inland terminal. Gate-out has been completed once the possession of the container has been transferred from the operator of the terminal to the entity who is picking up the container. |
INSP | Inspected | Identifies that the seal on equipment has been inspected. |
LOAD | Load | The action of lifting cargo or a container on board of the mode of transportation. Load is complete once the cargo or container has been lifted on board the mode of transport and secured. |
PICK | Pick up | The action of collecting the container at customer location. |
RMVD | Removed | Identifies that a Seal has been removed from the equipment for inspection. |
RSEA | Resealed | Identifies that the equipment has been resealed after inspection. |
STRP | Stripping | The action of unloading cargo from containers or equipment. |
STUFF | Stuffing | The process of loading the cargo in a container or in/onto another piece of equipment. |
WAYP | Waypoint crossed | A waypoint is an intermediate point or place during transit of shipment, waypoint crossed indicates that the equipment has crossed the particular waypoint on its transit. |
Event type | Meaning | Description |
APPR | Approved | Identifies that a document has been approved by the counterpart. |
CANC | Cancelled | A status indicator to be used when the booking is cancelled by the Shipper. |
CMPL | Completed | A status indicator that can be used with a number of activity identifiers to denote that a certain activity, service or document has been completed. |
CONF | Confirmed | Indicates that the document is confirmed. |
DRFT | Drafted | Indicates that a document is in draft mode being updated by either the shipper or the carrier. |
HOLD | On hold | A status indicator that can be used with a number of activity identifiers to denote that a container or shipment has been placed on hold i.e. can’t progress in the process. |
ISSU | Issued | Indicates that a document has been issued by the carrier. |
PENA | Pending approval | Indicates that a document has been submitted by the shipper or carrier and is now awaiting approval by the counterpart. |
PENU | Pending update | Indicates that the carrier requested an update from the shipper which is not received yet. |
RECE | Received | Indicates that a document is received by the carrier or shipper. |
REJE | Rejected | Indicates that a document has been rejected by the carrier. |
RELS | Released | A status indicator that can be used with a number of activity identifiers to denote that a container or shipment has been released i.e. allowed to move from depot or terminal by authorities or service provider. |
REQS | Requested | A status indicator that can be used with a number of identifiers to denote that a certain activity, service or document has been requested by the carrier, customer or authorities. This status remains constant until the requested activity is “Completed”. |
SUBM | Submitted | Indicates that a document has been submitted by the customer to the carrier. |
SURR | Surrendered | Indicates that a document has been surrendered by the customer to the carrier. |
VOID | Void | Cancellation of an original document. |
Event type | Meaning | Description |
ARRI | Arrived | The event which occurs, when a mode of transport reaches its final or intermediate destination, and the mode of transport is ready for load/discharge operations to begin at the specified location. Depending on the mode of transport arrival will have different definitions:
DEPA | Departed | The event which occurs when a mode of transport leaves a place of operations. Depending on the mode of transport departure will have different definitions:
Updated 4 months ago