Duplicate prevention

Explanation of feature to prevent duplicate references

With duplicate prevention enabled, if you attempt to create a duplicate reference, you will see an error message like:

{"error":"Duplicate Reference. Unsubscribe cd76fc01-ba19-4b44-9f50-657b3a257e72 to proceed. If you believe this is an error, please contact support at [email protected]."}


A few important things to note about duplication prevention:

  • Each input field must be distinct to be considered a duplicate. All of the following input examples are considered unique:
    • TCLU1746543 (container ID)
    • TCLU1746543, MAEU (container ID and carrier code)
    • TCLU1746543, MAEU, 273843382 (container ID, carrier code, and bill of lading)
  • If the callback URL value is different from an existing reference when attempting to create a duplicate, the duplicate will be created in this instance to allow updates to be delivered to the provided URL.
  • Child references created when tracking via bill of lading are included in duplicate prevention
  • Duplicate prevention only considers active references
  • Creating references using Automatic Carrier Identification (ACI) by supplying only the container ID is not protected by duplicate prevention as the carrier code is required for prevention of all types. We recommend exercising caution when subscribing by ID alone to avoid duplication.

Turn off duplicate prevention

If you would like to turn off duplicate prevention, please contact support.

Without duplicate prevention enabled, please note that creating two or more references using the same data will create separate billable references.

Example A



Output (truncated):

    "message": "Reference created successfully.",
    "reference": {
        "id": "7c732b69-cb1c-43b6-8747-70a59d309492",
        "container_id": "CAXU9928302",
        "bill_of_lading": null,
        "booking_number": null,
        "carrier_scac": "MSCU",

Example B



Output (truncated):

    "message": "Reference created successfully.",
    "reference": {
        "id": "9506c503-fd84-4da0-86ec-cbd9a1601ea9",
        "container_id": "CAXU9928302",
        "bill_of_lading": null,
        "booking_number": null,
        "carrier_scac": "MSCU",

Notice that both input request bodies above are exactly the same, but the reference object in the output shows two unique ID numbers which are shown in bold.

This means that there are now two active references tracking container CAXU9928302 with MSCU.