Ports and terminals

Optimize your shipment data accuracy with Vizion’s Pro plan, offering additional milestones like 'Free time to expire' and 'Available for pickup' directly from terminal operators, reducing reliance on carriers

With Vizion’s Pro Plan, you can experience enhanced accuracy and completeness of your shipment data with milestones not commonly reported by steamship lines, such as ‘Free time to expire’ and ‘Available for pickup’, which are sourced directly from terminal operators. This allows you to receive events like ‘Discharged from Vessel’, ‘Gate Out Full’, and ‘Gate in Empty Return’ without needing to rely solely on carriers.

Terminal events

Below, you will find the list of five (5) milestone events that will be linked to a terminal event within an API reference update payload in the order that they would typically occur.

Terminal Milestone Event NameTerminal Milestone Description
Discharged from vessel at destination portContainer is at destination port and is no longer on the vessel
Available for pickup / Container available for pickupThe loaded container is eligible to be out-gated at the terminal
Gate out from destination portContainer has left the destination port
Free time to expireLast date the container can remain on the terminal premises before incurring demurrage charges
Gate in empty returnContainer is returned empty after being used - goods are emptied and container is returned
Customs holdContainer held by customs authorities
Customs hold releaseContainer released from customs hold
Freight holdContainer held by steamship line
Freight hold releaseContainer released from freight hold
Terminal holdContainer held by terminal
Terminal hold releaseContainer released from terminal hold

Please click here to see our full list of standardized events.

Supported ports and terminals

See list of supported ports and terminals.

Conditions for receiving terminal events

  • Your API key has terminal events enabled.

  • For imports:

    • Container is scheduled to be discharged or has already been discharged at a supported terminal +- 2 weeks from today.
    • Container is expected to arrive or has already arrived at a supported destination port +- 2 weeks from today.
  • For exports:

    • Container is scheduled to arrive or has already arrived at its origin port by rail or truck +- 2 weeks from today.
    • Container is scheduled to be loaded onto a vessel or has already been loaded at the origin port, or if it has had any other origin event +- 2 weeks from today.

Frequently asked questions

Will I see terminal events when subscribing to a container that is already completed?

No, you are not guaranteed to see terminal events when subscribing late to a container that has already arrived at the destination port or has already been delivered to its inland destination. The API will not create a terminal subscription for that container if the reference does not meet qualifications.

Due to the timed availability of extracting terminal data, we encourage Pro users to subscribe to containers as early as possible to ensure that they receive timely terminal events in their update payloads.

Please note at this time, the Vizion API does not include terminal milestones when requesting historical tracking information for containers that have already completed their journey.

Enabling Ports and Terminals

Please contact support if you are interested in taking advantage of this Pro plan offering.