Zapier app

Work with Vizion's Container Tracking API in Zapier

Use Vizion's Zapier app integration to build automations and connections to all 6,000+ apps in Zapier's ecosystem.

Getting started

When you add the Vizion app to a Zap, you will be prompted to 'Sign in'. Enter your API key and choose 'Yes, Continue to Vizion'.

Actions and triggers

A trigger is an event that starts a Zap, and an action is an event a Zap performs. Below are the available triggers and actions within the Vizion app.

Triggers include events such as the creation of new references (New Reference) or update payloads (New Update). Actions involve tasks such as creating new references based on provided input (Create Reference via Carrier Code, Bill of Lading, or ACI).


If you have any questions or feedback regarding the app or features you would like to see made available, please contact support.